How Do I Know If My Hair is Causing Acne?


Do you have stubborn breakouts on your face or neck? To get down to the bottom of this issue, you need to identify the culprit behind it. That’s what we’ll help with in this article. We’ll cover signs that your hair may be to blame, how to get rid of the acne, and prevention steps to keep it away. Let’s get right into it!

How to Know If Your Hair Is Causing Acne

One of the best things you can do when dealing with acne is to uncover the “why” of it all. Only then can you take action to resolve the issue. To give you a sense of direction, we’ll get into some of the main signs that your hair is causing acne.

The Acne’s Location

Where is the acne located? If it’s close to your hair, clogged hair follicles could be the issue. Hair-related acne often pops up in one or more of the following areas:

  • Along your forehead

  • Along your hairline

  • On the back of your neck

  • Your nose (if you wear styles where your hair touches your nose)

The Acne’s Appearance

Acne related to hair often takes on a specific appearance. Usually, breakouts are white and very small, so small that you have to look closely to make them out. If your acne breakouts are very large, black, or classified as cystic, they are probably not related to your hair. However, a dermatological professional is the only one who can confirm this with certainty.

How Hair Causes Acne

If you think your hair is causing your acne, you’re not losing your mind. Hair can definitely cause acne, and it’s usually your hair products or natural scalp oils that are at fault. Some hair products contain oils and butters that clog your pores and lead to breakouts. And if you don’t wash your hair very often, your natural scalp oils can do the same.

How to Prevent Hair-Related Acne

Preventing hair-related acne is simple with the right information and tips. Here are a few things you can do right now to keep these breakouts away:

  • Wash your hair whenever it gets greasy or drenched in sweat.

  • Switch out your current hair products for those that don’t contain oils or ingredients known to clog pores. A couple of words to look for on your products’ packaging include:

    • Non-acnegenic

    • Noncomedogenic

  • Don’t wear the same hair bonnet or hat for many days without washing it.

  • Don’t wear styles where your hair comes in contact with your skin (bangs, hanging styles).

How to Get Rid of Hair-Related Acne

As for how to get rid of your hair-related acne, there are several things you can try:

  • Wash your face twice a day with a medicated acne wash. It may contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or another active ingredient.

  • Don’t skip your normal hair wash days.

  • Take all of the preventative steps we mentioned in the previous section.

  • Spot treat your pimples with an acne spot treatment (they are usually available at drugstores).

So, there you have it – how to know if your hair is causing your acne and what to do about it. We hope you found all the information you were looking for, and we wish you clear skin now and in the future. If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to check out Daily Dose hair products. They are natural, effective, and formulated to help you unlock the best version of your hair. Check them out here!


Author: Andrea Reyes

Andrea is a mother, wife, writer, and natural hair enthusiast of 15 years. Currently on her natural hair journey, she’s been trying countless products and techniques to understand and embrace her natural hair. She is the creator of, a new website featuring informative articles that share tips, tricks, and techniques aimed to help others learn to love their hair through proper hair care. She writes with the hope of making hair care easier to understand and implement.


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